Generosity Enables Camp CH-YO-CA to Grow in all Areas


Give Support to Make an Impact 


    CAMP CH-YO-CA is dedicated to creating new and engaging ways to teach campers the Gospel of Jesus and give them a memorial CAMP experience. We are also dedicated to seeking out new campers from all walks of life, believing the “best is yet to come.” We want all kids everywhere to experience the love and hope of Jesus that thousands of campers have found since 1967.


    CAMP CH-YO-CA continues to require a growing staff. Our goal is to financially support our year-round staff and reward the outstanding young people God sends our way each summer. All staff members are committed to pouring into the next generation and bringing an abundance of love and joy!


    CAMP CH-YO-CA is dedicated to being ready for all God has in store for each person coming to our campgrounds. Funds donated here help us enhance our existing buildings and add new facilities when needed. Careful attention is given to ensuring the safety and comfort of all our guests during our summer camps and retreat weekends as they walk and run through our 100 acres of holy.

Unique Donations

All Donations are Appreciated and Needed at CAMP CH-YO-CA

The CAMP staff will review all repurposing and new unique donations to determine the donation’s use and current need. If you have something you believe would benefit Camp, please contact us for the next steps.

  • Leaf Blower

    Deep Freezers


    Yard equipment, mower, weedeater, leaf blower, etc.

    Washer or Dryer for laundry building.


    Pool Toys/Supplies


    Basketball goals

    Pickleball Net

    Soccer Nets

    Haloball goals

    Corn Hole Tables



Thank you for considering joining the CAMP CH-YO-CA support team. While the need is great, so is our desire to walk hand-in-hand with our staff to serve God and our community through Summer CAMP and Retreat Ministries.

2044 Brownlee Rd Calhoun, LA 71225